Natural Health Victory Lecture – Dr. Matthias Rath – London 2007
March 4, 2007
The History of the Pharma Cartel
May 10, 2007

South African Lawsuit Exposes Pharmaceutical Colonialism

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South Africa is the one of the countries hardest hit by the AIDS epidemic – and a multibillion dollar market for pharmaceutical drugs. Now, two organizations promoting antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) for the treatment of AIDS are staging a showdown – in court – between these highly toxic chemicals and the use of micronutrients as key factors to fight immune deficiencies. The “South African Medical Association” (SAMA) and a group of ARV street promoters have jointly challenged Dr. Rath – a pioneer in vitamin research – and the South African government. Now, in this landmark court case, Dr. Rath has filed his analysis of pharmaceutical colonialism and its genocidal consequences for the people in the developing world. This analysis is a must-read for anyone interested in health and social justice.

In Africa and other regions of the world, the brutal colonialism of previous decades has been silently replaced by an even more cruel and deadly form of suppression – pharmaceutical colonialism. Under the mask of a “Mother Theresa”, pharmaceutical multinationals are using the developing world as a testing ground and as a multi-billion dollar market place for their controversial, toxic – and often deadly – drugs.

Leading this attack on the health and lives of millions of people in the developing world are the manufacturers of so-called antiretroviral drugs (ARV). These derivatives of highly toxic cancer chemotherapeutics are being promoted to millions of people in Africa and other parts of the world – including children and pregnant women. Under the pretence of curing the immune deficiency disease AIDS, these toxic drugs have long been known to do exactly the opposite: they attack the immune system, damage and destroy it and – thereby – make the already existing immune deficiency condition worse.

The Dr. Rath Health Foundation has repeatedly described this unscrupulous promotion of toxic drugs – which are directed to the poorest and most vulnerable inhabitants of our planet – as “genocide”. Moreover, it has continuously exposed organizations and individuals who, directly and indirectly, share responsibility for this genocide. Not surprisingly, therefore, these organizations are now launching their counter attacks.

In the court of Cape Town, South Africa, a landmark trial will take place later this year where the organizations promoting these deadly ARV drugs are seeking “approval” for their unscrupulous activities.

Although none of the ARV drugs are registered as a cure for AIDS, the South African Medical Association (SAMA) and the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) are continuously ignoring this fact. In the media, street rallies and in court rooms, they aim to get ARV drugs ‘approved’ as a ‘cure for AIDS’ – an official ‘stamp of approval’ that all regulatory agencies in the world have denied for good reason: there is no scientific evidence to support such a claim.

In the trial in Cape Town, the SAMA and the TAC have accused Dr. Rath, the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, several scientists and the government of South Africa (!) of promoting vitamins and other science based natural health approaches to the AIDS epidemic. In an unprecedented wave of hypocrisy, the SAMA and the TAC are seeking to outlaw the preventive and therapeutic use of vitamins in the battle against AIDS. At the same time, they are trying to abuse this court case to establish toxic ARV drugs – against all scientific evidence – as the only “proven” therapy for AIDS.

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