What the ‘ARV defendants’ don’t want you to know about ARVs – part 3
October 28, 2008
What the ‘ARV defendants’ don’t want you to know about ARVs – part 5
October 28, 2008

What the ‘ARV defendants’ don’t want you to know about ARVs – part 4

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ARVs can potentially cause drug-induced immune deficiency

Since ARVs are known to affect the bone marrow (precursor of both white & red blood cells), they can further weaken the immune system and pose risk for AIDS development.

Based on World Health Organization reports, the rate of death from AIDS in HIV-positive persons treated with ARV drugs may be 4-6 times higher than the global mortality rate for HIV-positive persons not taking ARV drugs.

Based on WHO reports (WHO, Weekly Epidemiological Record (2001) (76): 381-388), the average annual global mortality rate for all HIV-positives (including the minority on ARV drugs) for the year 2000 can be estimated to be ~1.4% (assuming that all newly diagnosed AIDS cases died in the same year). During the years 1998 and 2001, which fall on either side of the WHO year, the rate of death from AIDS in (initially asymptomatic) HIV-positive persons treated with ARV drugs was reported in two uncontrolled surveys conducted in USA and Canada [Pallella et al New Engl J Med (1998) 338: 853-860Hogg et al JAMA (2001) 286(2):2568-2577] to be 6.7-8.8% – 4 to 6 times higher than the global mortality rate of HIV-positives from the WHO estimation.

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