Don’t allow yourself to be fooled by the agents of disinformation and confusion
January 6, 2010
One Trillion Dollar Bailout Can No Longer Conceal the Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’
May 21, 2010

Stop the Nuclear War Plans of Sarkozy and the ‘Brussels EU!’

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New York Times, April 23, 2010

Download Open Letter (PDF, 132 kB)

Call to President Obama following the Nuclear Security Summit:

Stop the Nuclear War Plans of Sarkozy and the ‘Brussels EU!’

The Agenda of the Oil and Drug Cartel:

Earlier this month the world witnessed a successful international ‘Conference on Nuclear Security‘ in Washington D.C.. While this was an important step towards President Obama’s vision of a world free of nuclear weapons – the biggest threat to world peace was not addressed there.

Did you know that the ‘Brussels EU’ is creating its own ‘European Army‘ – outside NATO and under the control of Sarkozy’s nuclear command – in order to pursue the global interests of the Oil and Drug Cartel?

After a century long rule over this planet the corporate interests behind the petrochemical and pharmaceutical industry – the Oil and Drug Cartel – see their multi-trillion dollar markets being threatened by the rapid advancement of new technologies; namely renewable energy and science-based natural health.

The Oil and Drug Cartel’s giant markets of outdated technologies can only be maintained in a global dictatorial setting. Towards this end, the Cartel is seeking to escalate international crises as means of creating a climate of threats and fear with the goal of destabilizing democracies worldwide.

After the political demise of George Bush, the main geopolitical stakeholder of the Cartel has become French President Nicolas Sarkozy. No other leader of a world nuclear power has invoked the use of nuclear weapons in public speeches as often as Sarkozy.

The ongoing conflict between Iran and Israel would be the most likely ‘spark’ for the Cartel and its stakeholders to initiate a regional or even global nuclear war.

Take Action Now to Prevent WWIII!

The only way to eliminate the threat of a nuclear holocaust forever is to expose the criminal past of the Oil and Drug Cartel that has already been the driving force behind WWI and WWII.

The US Government should therefore include in the public education system the historical records of:

  • the corporate background of WWII – the 1946/47 Nuremberg Tribunal ‘US Government vs. the Oil and Drug Cartel IG Farben’ (;
  • the 1945 US Senate Committee on Military Affairs’ Study of War Mobilization by the Nazi/Cartel Coalition;
  • the ‘Brussels EU’ roots, showing that the blueprints for this political ‘construct’ were the Nazi/Cartel plans to subjugate Europe – and ultimately the world (

Did you know that the ‘Brussels EU’ executive body – the ‘EU Commission’ – essentially governs Europe outside any democratic control?

The US Government should lead an international effort to expose these ‘lessons of history’ to today’s world – as a precondition for lasting global peace!

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