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Switzerland to vote on pesticide ban

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Swiss citizens will get the chance to vote on a complete ban on the use of synthetic pesticides after campaigners secured enough signatures to force a referendum.


By signing the call for a ban on synthetic pesticides in their country and succeeding in getting a national referendum on this issue, campaigners have potentially struck an important blow for the improvement of public health in Switzerland. The only beneficiaries from the continued production of toxic pesticides around the world are the multinational chemical corporations, who are making billions of dollars a year from their continued application.

In contrast, of course, the health benefits of organic food are now undeniable. But with the chemical industry’s global turnover now exceeding $4 trillion a year, achieving our wider global goal of Free Food for All necessitates publicly exposing those financial interests who want to maintain the use of dangerous patented chemicals such as pesticides in our food supply. Putting people before profit is not merely about promoting social justice, it’s about creating a healthier world as well.

Read article on the BBC News website (UK)
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