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Air Pollution Linked To Heart Failure

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A new study shows a link between levels of exposure to fine particulate matter and the heart chamber enlargement seen in the early stages of heart failure.


Research is increasingly showing that air pollution is highly damaging to health. In one particularly worrying example, a report published last year found it had prematurely killed half a million people in Europe in 2014. Clearly, therefore, so long as the fossil fuel industry and its government stakeholders remain addicted to the use of outdated energies such as oil, gas and coal, human health will continue to be held to ransom and the lives of millions of innocent people will be brought to a premature end. It is therefore essential that mankind moves away from these polluting fuels and, on a planetary scale, replaces them with safe, renewable forms of energy generation.

Meantime, until we reach the point where fossil fuels are no longer in widespread use, studies show that it is possible to protect ourselves from their damaging effects. In an impressive example of such research, a study carried out in the United States found that high-dose B vitamins may “completely offset” the damage caused by the most dangerous type of air pollution. Published in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal, the research showed that exposure to fine particulate matter of the type produced by burning fossil fuels in motor vehicles can be mitigated by a daily supplement of B vitamins. Other research has shown that eating a vitamin-rich Mediterranean-style diet may also reduce the effects of air pollution.

Even when patients are already afflicted with heart failure, all is not lost. Dr. Rath’s Cellular Medicine research into heart failure has shown that the use of a specific combination of micronutrients can safely control this disease by optimizing levels of cellular energy in the heart muscle cells. As documented in chapter 5 of his lifesaving book, Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks…But People Do!, use of these particular micronutrients in the correct dosages can essentially render heart transplants redundant.

Read article in the Guardian (UK)
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