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Bill Gates Says Multiple Vaccine Doses Could Be Necessary To Protect People From Coronavirus

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“Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates says that people could need multiple doses of a vaccine to immunize themselves from the coronavirus.” [Source: (USA)]


Around the world, pharmaceutical companies and laboratories are working at breakneck speed to produce vaccines against the coronavirus. Around 140 such vaccines are currently believed to be in early development, with a couple of dozen being tested on people in clinical trials. However, whether any of them will prove to be successful remains to be seen.

Vaccines normally take years, if not decades, to develop. Moreover, even if a vaccine turned out to be effective against the current virus, it would not be effective against others. Limiting global health strategies to a coronavirus vaccine would leave humanity unprotected against a multitude of other potential pandemics that may occur in the future.

In this situation, one thing is already certain in that the silence over natural micronutrient-based ways to strengthen the immune system, which are readily available right now, is no coincidence. This silence is happening to the benefit of corporate interests – namely, the pharmaceutical investment business – that are positioning themselves to benefit economically from the coronavirus pandemic. Non-patentable micronutrient-based approaches to strengthening immunity are a major threat to the long-term profitability of these interests.

To read how a micronutrient combination developed by scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute is able to suppress the viral ‘entry door’ used by the coronavirus, see this press release on our website.

To learn how you can use science-based micronutrient approaches to improve your own immunity, download a free copy of our educational course on viral infections.

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