Multivitamins, Omega-3, Probiotics, Vitamin D May Lessen Risk Of Positive COVID-19 Test
April 23, 2021
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April 23, 2021

Sunlight Linked With Lower COVID-19 Deaths, Study Shows

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“Sunnier areas are associated with fewer deaths from Covid-19, an observational study suggests.” [Source:]


The finding that sunnier areas are associated with fewer deaths from COVID-19 is consistent with previous research showing vitamin D is beneficial in the prevention and treatment of coronavirus infection. A micronutrient that has numerous important functions, vitamin D is produced naturally in the body when skin is exposed to sunlight.

Researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine in the United States have found that having adequate levels of vitamin D reduces complications and death in coronavirus patients. Research also shows that hospitalized coronavirus patients with low vitamin D levels may have a lower risk of dying or requiring mechanical ventilation if they receive vitamin D supplements.

Researchers in the UK have looked at 20 European countries and compared average levels of vitamin D with coronavirus infection rates and mortality. They found that people with low levels of the micronutrient may be more likely to die after contracting the virus. It has also been shown that people with insufficient vitamin D have 60 percent higher rates of coronavirus infection compared to those having adequate amounts.

To read how a team of Spanish medical researchers have shown that high-dose vitamin D can reduce the risk of death from COVID-19 by a dramatic 60 percent, see this article on our website.

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