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Father Loses UK Court Battle To Stop Doctors Giving His Daughter Chemotherapy To Treat Leukemia

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“A British man who objected to his 11-year-old daughter being given chemotherapy to treat leukemia has lost a High Court battle. Worried about the side effects, he had wanted to explore natural therapies.” [Source:]


Our Foundation has long witnessed the lengths to which legal and medical stakeholders of the pharmaceutical industry will go in order to prevent parents from accessing science-based natural cancer treatments for their children. In this respect, we are particularly mindful of the case history of a young German boy, Dominik Feld, who received a diagnosis of bone cancer in September 2002.

Following his diagnosis Dominik began receiving chemotherapy treatment. By May 2003, however, he was suffering severe side effects due to the highly toxic nature of the drugs he was being given and, weighing only 16 kilos, was already fighting for his life. His parents therefore took the decision to stop the chemotherapy and, after looking into alternative treatments, came across Dr. Rath’s Cellular Medicine approach to cancer. After carefully studying the scientific facts about Cellular Medicine they decided to start their son on it.

By September 2003, after only four months following the Cellular Medicine approach, Dominik was well enough to return to school. For the legal and medical stakeholders of the pharmaceutical industry, however, the threat this posed to the multibillion-dollar chemotherapy business was unacceptable. As a result, the next 14 months of Dominik’s life involved a district court withdrawing from his parents their right of care for him; the denial of vital medical care to him after surgery following a sporting accident; the insistence by pharmaceutical medicine that he still had cancer; and numerous clinical and medical errors in the treatment he was then given. This all greatly diminished Dominik’s health and ultimately led to his death in November 2004.

Our Foundation’s commitment to the memory of Dominik is that he did not die in vain. To the contrary, his battle against cancer helped prepare the way for a new era in science-based natural medicine, in which a diagnosis of cancer will no longer be seen as a death sentence.

To learn more about the story of Dominik Feld, read this article on our website.

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