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Pfizer Launches mRNA Flu Vaccine Trial

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“US pharmaceutical company Pfizer says it has begun a clinical trial to test an influenza vaccine designed using mRNA technology.” [Source:]


Given the safety concerns that have been raised over Pfizer’s use of mRNA technology in its COVID-19 vaccine, it is worrying to find the company is already testing an influenza vaccine that utilizes the same approach. With no long-term safety data available for mRNA vaccines, it is simply impossible to be certain that, over an extended period of time, serious health problems will not arise from their use.

In view of the lack of long-term safety data for this technology, it is significant that, when selling its COVID-19 vaccine to governments, Pfizer demanded a legal indemnity preventing the company from being sued. When asked why it needed such protection, Ben Osborn, the firm’s UK managing director, refused to explain.

Traditional vaccines generally take around 10 years to develop, including safety testing and regulatory approval. In contrast, Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine took just 10 months to develop and was rapidly approved by government regulators via the issuing of so-called ‘emergency use authorizations’. The granting of such authorizations for vaccines essentially bypasses the need for full clinical trials to be completed prior to their widespread use among populations.

To read our analysis of the risks of mRNA and other types of vaccines used against COVID-19, check out the in-depth article written by Dr. Rath and Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki.

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