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Pfizer Quietly Financed Groups Lobbying for COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

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“Many of the supposedly independent consumer, medical and civil rights groups that created the appearance of broad support for the mandate received funding from one of the vaccines’ manufacturers.”


As this news article describes, the long list of those with funding from Pfizer includes consumer, doctor, and medical groups, as well as public health organizations and civil rights nonprofits. While advocating for policies that would essentially force workers to get vaccinated, many of those groups did not disclose the funding they received from the vaccine maker.

Other aspects of Pfizer’s behavior in relation to its COVID-19 vaccine development are arguably even more disturbing. For example, a researcher involved in the clinical trial that was carried out to obtain ‘emergency use authorization’ for the Pfizer shot has revealed that some of the study data claimed to have been obtained from the tests were falsified.

In an alarming investigation that has been largely ignored by most of the mainstream media, the British Medical Journal reports that staff conducting quality control checks for the trial were ‘overwhelmed’ by the volume of problems they were finding. Staff raising these issues with their managers were apparently targeted and even fired. Such allegations seriously undermine the claim that the mRNA technology used in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has been scientifically ‘proven’ to be safe.

To learn more about the allegation that some of the study data claimed to have been obtained from the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials were falsified, see this article on our website.

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