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Probiotics For Women’s Health: Review Highlights Potential Benefits Of Early Use

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A new review emphasizes the potential benefits of females supplementing with probiotics from childhood, following the identification of the occurrence of dysbiosis in obese women suffering with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.


Most of the bacteria contained in the human gut are beneficial. Collectively they are known as the ‘gut microbiome’ or ‘gut flora’ and are essential for a number of key physiological functions that help to keep us healthy.

However, modern diets containing meat, fats, and refined sugar have a very low fiber content that distorts a healthy gut microbiome. This can be an underlying cause of obesity, inflammation, and many chronic metabolic diseases such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar.

Other indicators of an unhealthy gut flora include frequent digestive complaints; heartburn; bloating; fatigue; sluggishness; sugar cravings; irritable bowel syndrome; Crohn’s disease; inflammatory bowel disease; autoimmune diseases such as allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid issues; migraine headaches; skin problems such as psoriasis; depression; anxiety; as well as sleep and mood disorders.

Research shows that probiotic supplements can help prevent and control many of these problems. The most commonly used, with the maximum health benefits, are the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species of bacteria. When choosing a probiotic supplement, it is important to pay careful attention to the particular bacterial strains and number of colonies it contains, since they need to pass safely through the stomach acid and reach the colon in order to be most effective.

To learn more about protecting your gut microbiome with probiotic supplements, see this article on our website.

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