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The EU’s Digital Services Act Is The Next Big Threat To Free Speech

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Authorities across the world continue to use the Ukrainian crisis as the backdrop against which to pass legislation regulating the digital industry.
[Source: reclaimthenet.org]


The so-called ‘Digital Services Act’ is a new European Union (EU) law that regulates online content moderation. Arguably now one of the world’s biggest threats to free speech, this law essentially allows the bloc to declare a state of emergency on the internet. Doing so would enable it to impose stringent controls on key digital services such as social media platforms, search engines, and e-commerce sites.

As a result, major websites, social media platforms, and service providers can henceforth be forced to censor information whenever a state of emergency is declared by the EU. Crises related to public health issues such as pandemics are specifically referred to in the Act. The resulting restrictions would not only apply within Europe but also to large sites and digital platforms worldwide that are accessible to European citizens.

To learn how the increasingly authoritarian laws being enforced by the EU are consistent with its historical origins, read our book, ‘The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU,’ for free online.

To learn how the EU is attempting to dismiss our proof of its Nazi origins as ‘Pro-Kremlin Disinformation,’ see this article on our website.

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