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Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Restricts High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C

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The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners’ decision to restrict high-dose intravenous vitamin C is a disheartening blow to practitioner and patient autonomy alike.
[Source: substack.com]

[Image source: Wikimedia]


Far from being based on the latest science, the decision by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) to restrict high dose intravenous vitamin C runs completely contrary to the facts. While you won’t have heard about it from the mainstream media, clinical evidence has already demonstrated the efficacy of this form of vitamin C therapy in the treatment of cancer.

A review published in the Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research in 2021 analyzed the evidence and agreed that vitamin C has the potential to be a potent anti-cancer agent when administered intravenously in high doses. Stating that clinical trials have confirmed the safety and indicated the efficacy of this natural approach to eradicating tumor cells of various cancer types, the researchers concluded that “further clinical examination of this promising and non-toxic cancer treatment modality is not only warranted, but is in fact highly needed.”

Research has also shown that high dose intravenous vitamin C is effective in the treatment of COVID-19. A placebo-controlled clinical study carried out in 2020 found that 24 grams of vitamin C given intravenously to patients at advanced stages of the illness almost halved the death rate. A systematic review and meta-analysis of eleven randomized controlled trials subsequently confirmed “significant mortality benefits” when vitamin C is used against COVID-19, especially for patients with severe illness. The majority of trials examined in this analysis used vitamin C intravenously, in doses ranging from 2 to 24 grams daily.

To read how intravenous vitamin C has been shown to lower mortality in critically ill patients with severe pneumonia, see this article on our website.

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