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Privacy Fears as European Union Moves Forward With Digital ID

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Critics warn the plans to give every European Union citizen a ‘European digital ID’ will create a surveillance state.


The plan to establish a ‘European digital ID’ marks a significant move towards the creation of a centralized, fully digital identification system in the European Union (EU). The system, which many fear in time could essentially become mandatory, will involve citizens having digital wallets containing their ID cards, driving licenses, bank account details, medical records, and other personal documents. The wallets could also likely be used for so-called ‘vaccine passports.’

Cybersecurity experts and other observers point out that the system could be a dangerous precursor to the setting up of a European digital surveillance state. Arguing that the wallets will inadequately safeguard privacy, many people fear the ‘European digital ID’ will be open to widespread abuse from both rogue actors and prying governments alike.

Concern has also been expressed that the wallets will be a precursor to the creation of a ‘digital euro’ currency, thus enabling the EU to control citizens’ personal finances through a system of programmable money.

To learn about the hidden history of the European Union that the mainstream media isn’t telling you about, read our explosive book, ‘The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU.’

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