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Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Inflammation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients

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Lower levels of vitamin D found in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients are linked to inflammation, potentially playing a role in the disease’s development, according to findings from a cross-sectional observational study published in the journal Medicine.

[Image source: Adobe Stock]


Inflammation is by far the most frequent health problem we face during our lives. Associated with every infection that occurs in the body, as well as with cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis, and other diseases, it is also the body’s response to ‘external’ injuries such as sunburn, cuts, or even a twisted ankle.

In the therapeutic control of inflammatory bowel problems, vitamin D is increasingly being found to play an important role. Illustrating this, a meta-analysis carried out by researchers in China specifically recommends that vitamin D should be used in the treatment of conditions such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Published in the Medicine (Baltimore) journal in 2018, the Chinese paper examines 18 randomized controlled trials involving a total of 908 patients. Noting that vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, the researchers cite studies demonstrating that supplementation with this micronutrient can induce and maintain remission.

To learn about the benefits of Dr. Rath’s micronutrient synergy approach in the control of inflammation, see this article on our website.

To read about the therapeutic efficacy of probiotics against inflammatory bowel diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, and other digestive problems, download a free copy of our probiotics brochure.

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