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Johnson & Johnson, Merck and Other Pharma Firms Prepare to Lose Billions from Blockbuster Drugs

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Big pharmaceutical companies such as Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck, and Johnson & Johnson face a looming threat that will put tens of billions of dollars in sales at risk between now and 2030, as blockbuster drugs will tumble off a so-called ‘patent cliff’.

[Image source: Adobe Stock]


The term ‘patent cliff’ refers to what happens when drug patents expire and competitor pharmaceutical companies are able to introduce cheaper generic versions of medications. A number of top-selling drugs are facing such patent expirations in the coming years. This will adversely hit the revenues of companies including Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Bristol Myers Squibb, and others.

However, it isn’t just patent expirations that will threaten the profits of pharmaceutical companies in the years ahead. Through optimizing cellular metabolism, vitamins and other science-based natural health therapies are a major hazard to the pharmaceutical industry because they directly target the cellular cause of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and other common diseases. The control – and, gradually, the eradication – of these diseases will ultimately destroy the pharmaceutical industry and pave the way for a new global healthcare model focused on preventing illnesses before they happen.

To learn more about the pharmaceutical industry and its business model, see the popular ‘Laws of the Pharmaceutical Industry’ feature page on our website.

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