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Devastated Family of Young Actor Killed by COVID-19 Vaccine Speak Out

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The devastated family of a fit and healthy young actor who died a fortnight after taking a COVID-19 vaccine have called out the callous ‘indifference’ of society and the Australian government to her death.

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Katie Lees, a talented 34-year-old actor and comedian from Sydney, Australia, tragically died in July 2021, 13 days after receiving her first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Said to be driven by a strong sense of community responsibility, she took the vaccine wanting to help end lockdowns but suffered a severe blood clot in her brain. Her family had to make the heart-wrenching decision to turn off her life support and have since faced societal indifference and disbelief regarding the vaccine’s role in her death. Her father has expressed frustration at the lack of empathy and support, noting that people often dismissed the family’s story about the vaccine’s deadly impact.

In a submission to the Australian government’s COVID-19 Response Inquiry, Katie’s parents criticized the lack of acknowledgment and support following her death. They say that Katie’s death was met with silence and disbelief and that both the government and AstraZeneca failed to provide adequate support. Katie’s family have called for an apology, clearer communication about vaccine safety, and increased compensation for vaccine-related deaths.

To learn more about the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, read how the firm recently admitted the shots can cause deadly blood clots and then withdrew them worldwide.

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