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England’s National Health Service Says It Will End ‘Ineffective’ Medical Treatments

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Tonsils removal, breast reductions and snoring surgery will be offered to far fewer patients in England from next year, under plans being drawn up by the country’s National Health Service (NHS). Officials are to discuss proposals to stop or reduce 17 routine procedures deemed to be “ineffective or risky”.


As is also the case with other national healthcare systems around the world, if England’s NHS really wanted to bring an end to ineffective and risky treatments, it would start by replacing toxic pharmaceutical drugs with safe and effective natural health approaches. The fact that it isn’t doing this illustrates that the service has essentially been ‘captured’ by pharmaceutical interests.

Evidence of this emerged in 2016 when it was discovered that more than 130 officials employed in the NHS were simultaneously being paid as consultants by pharmaceutical companies. The officials concerned, most of whom were managers or other senior administrators, were involved in assessing which drugs the NHS should give to patients. Suggesting the actual number who were taking money from the pharma industry may be even higher than reported, the Daily Telegraph, the British newspaper that uncovered the story, described the problem as being “systemic” within the NHS.

In terms of its risks, so dangerous is the pharmaceutical approach to medicine that orthodox doctors, hospitals and their treatments have been shown in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) to be the third leading cause of death in the United States, exceeded only by deaths from heart disease and cancer. Providing further evidence of the sheer size of the problem, a JAMA study published in 1998 estimated that in 1994 around 2,216,000 hospitalized patients in the United States had suffered a serious adverse drug reaction (ADR) and that 106,000 suffered a fatal ADR.

Ultimately, the reason why pharmaceutical drugs are ineffective is that they don’t address the primary cause of diseases. Patients are not suffering from chronic diseases due to a lack of drugs, but as the direct result of a long-term deficiency of essential micronutrients. To learn more about the root cause of diseases, visit the Cellular Medicine section of our website.

Read article on the BBC News website (UK)
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