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More Doctors Blame Rising Healthcare Costs On Big Pharma

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A new survey of hundreds of physicians, executives, and clinical leaders has found that while doctors feel responsible for the cost of care given to a patient, they do not feel accountable for it.


Illustrating the extent to which global healthcare systems are being strangled by the soaring cost of drugs, it is estimated that the pharma industry’s annual global sales are set to reach a staggering $1.5 trillion by 2021.

The skyrocketing price of cancer drugs is undoubtedly playing a major role in these rising costs. As the Washington Post has pointed out, the $10,000-a-month cancer drug has become the “new normal”. As a result of this outrageous profiteering from human suffering, the Pharma Cartel now makes more money from cancer than from any other human health problem.

In analyzing this situation, we need to understand that achieving real healthcare reform is not simply a matter of bringing down the cost of drugs. Far from addressing the root cause of diseases, drugs are deliberately designed to only treat symptoms. The use of this cynical business strategy guarantees that diseases continue to exist – thus fueling the ongoing profits of the pharma industry and its shareholders.

To replace this unscrupulous ‘business with disease’, what is needed is a system of healthcare that correctly identifies micronutrient deficiency as the primary cause of chronic diseases. Having correctly identified this, such a system will logically then be based on the use of nutritional and Cellular Medicine approaches as its primary means of prevention.

To learn about our Foundation’s vision and strategy for making natural preventive healthcare approaches a human right, read Dr. Rath’s inspiring Barletta Declaration.

Read article at (USA)
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