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Class-Action Lawsuit Takes Aim At Big Pharma Over Babies Exposed To Opioids

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A Philadelphia law firm has filed a proposed class-action lawsuit against a number of opioid manufacturers, alleging they are responsible for the medical needs of babies exposed to opioids before birth.


With concern growing over the escalating rates of opioid addiction and overdoses, and the death toll continuing to mount, American states and municipalities are increasingly fighting back by suing pharma companies for the widespread damage they are causing. Similar legal action is underway in Canada, with a lawsuit recently filed against over 40 companies involved in the manufacture, distribution and wholesale of these highly dangerous drugs.

By earning themselves billions of dollars from marketing heavily addictive narcotic painkillers while pretending they were safe for long-term use, drug companies have demonstrated that they are morally bankrupt and ruthlessly driven by profit. But while suing the pharma industry for the damage caused by opioids is clearly an important and necessary step, the long-term goal has to be replacing synthetic drug-based medicine with a preventive system of healthcare based on scientifically proven natural approaches. Until such time as this is achieved, human health will continue to be held to ransom by the unscrupulous ‘business with disease’.

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