New Study Recognizes Role Of Vitamin C In Reducing Death Toll From Cardiovascular Disease
September 7, 2017
Our Responsibility for Creating a World of Health, Peace and Social Justice
September 14, 2017

Dr. Rath’s Open Letter Campaign

Dr. Rath's first Open Letter in the New York Times was published in February 2003. The money for this ongoing international awareness campaign does not come from rich individuals, nor from obscure sources. It comes from the hundreds of thousands of patients who were ‘sentenced’ to suffer diseases and who were stuck – sometimes for decades – in the deadlocks of ineffective and harmful pharmaceutical medicine.

These patients were helped out of this impasse by science-based natural health approaches. Their support for the Dr. Rath Health Foundation is an expression of their gratitude and desire to help others gain this knowledge and save lives. The Foundation uses this money in the interests and to the benefit of this multitude of donors in order to disseminate our awareness campaign throughout the world. Once the history books about this critical era of mankind are written, we believe it will be these patients who will take much of the credit for paving the road towards a new system of healthcare.

All the public health information documented in these Open Letters has gone through an intensive review process in the New York Times and other international newspapers. Each and every one of the texts has been checked by the respective legal departments and/or editorial boards of these newspapers for factual content and accuracy. In light of this fact, the documentation presented here represents a unique public tribunal against the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’ and its various political stakeholders.

Click on the headlines below for access to the full contents of each Open Letter, links to a wealth of additional background information and a downloadable PDF file of the Open Letter itself.

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