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UK Government To Reassess Its Stance On Use Of Vitamin D For Coronavirus

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“The UK government is to reassess its stance on the use of vitamin D in addressing coronavirus after the country’s health secretary incorrectly said a study had concluded it to be ineffective.” [Source:]


Speaking in the UK parliament recently, health secretary Matt Hancock wrongly claimed that a trial of vitamin D had taken place and that it did not appear to have had any impact on the effects of the coronavirus. UK government officials later admitted that no such clinical trials of the vitamin had actually been carried out. As a result, ministers are said to be reassessing the UK government’s stance on vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of coronavirus infection.

As Matt Hancock should have known, adequate levels of vitamin D have been clearly shown to reduce complications and death among coronavirus patients. Researchers have compared average levels of vitamin D across 20 European countries with coronavirus infection rates and mortality. They found that people with low vitamin D levels may be more likely to die after contracting the virus. It has also been shown that people with low levels of vitamin D have 60 percent higher rates of coronavirus infection compared to those with adequate amounts.

Other research has found that, in combination with magnesium and vitamin B12, daily doses of vitamin D3 can reduce disease severity in older coronavirus patients.

To learn more about the role of vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients in improving immunity and preventing viral infections, we invite you to download our free educational course.

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