The Nazi Roots of the “Brussels EU”
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The ‘Brussels EU’ And Its Dangerous Plan To Implement Maximum Amounts For Micronutrients

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The political puppets of the pharmaceutical cartel have put one of their favourite topics back on the table. The ‘Brussels EU’ is again trying to implement maximum amounts for micronutrients in nutritional supplements into European law. With the pharmaceutical colonialist country Germany occupying the driver’s seat of the European Union until the end of this year, this new threat to the lives of millions of European citizens is very real.

The presidency of the Council of the European Union – the law-making body of the undemocratic construct known as the ‘Brussels EU’ – rotates every six months. Germany’s latest reign at the head of this body began on 1 July 2020 and lasts until 31 December 2020. However, the country’s preparations for new legislation on nutritional supplements began even before it took charge. Already by May 2020, the German Minister of Food and Agriculture, Julia Klöckner, had sent a letter to the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides.  Klöckner’s letter did not indicate a solely German position, however, it demonstrated the clear support of 19 of the 27 member countries of the ‘Brussels EU’ – including that of fellow pharmaceutical export nations such as France and Belgium.

“The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’” proves that the key architects of the European Union were recruited from among the same technocrats who had previously designed the plans for a post-WWII Europe under the control of the Nazis. Read it online for free!

The first ‘Brussels EU’ attempt to set maximum amounts for micronutrients failed

The idea to introduce maximum amounts for micronutrients is not new, and the letter from Mrs Klöckner even cites the previous failed attempt. Thanks to vigorous protests by Dr. Matthias Rath and vitamin consumers from all over Europe, the so-called ‘Food Supplements Directive’ 2002/46/EC was adopted in 2002 without any maximum amounts being defined. However, the passing of this legislation created a back door that was left open for such levels to be set in future. But this year’s suggestions are hardly new, as Mrs Klöckner’s letter refers to a document from June 2006. Notorious in Germany for her closeness to the chemical and pharmaceutical giant BASF, Klöckner and her 18 colleagues are now demanding action from the European Commission – the executive body of Europe.

In their typically secretive fashion, European bureaucrats have already set up a supposedly ‘expert’ group debating maximum amounts for micronutrients in nutritional supplements. Presentations from the European Commission and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have not been published, however, thus preventing them from being examined by concerned citizens. Not that we would have expected transparency from the ‘Brussels EU’, of course. From the very beginning of the construct’s undemocratic existence, the influence of the pharmaceutical industry was howling through the corridors and offices of its stakeholders in Brussels and Strasbourg.

Neglecting research and risking the lives of millions of people

This desperate attempt to regulate the use of highly effective, side-effect free, safe nutritional supplements now risks the lives of millions of people in Europe. Micronutrients are the only science-based option to effectively improve your health. Dr. Rath’s groundbreaking discoveries in the early 1990s, and the pioneering work done at the Dr. Rath Research Institute ever since, has fuelled an unprecedented boom in vitamin research. The results of this can be seen in the publication of tens of thousands of papers on PubMed, the world’s largest online scientific database. Every month, new scientific evidence is added to this open library that the governing bodies of the ‘Brussels EU’ do not want you to know about.

We need you to help us stop this effort – and all future attempts – to discredit and/or ban vitamins. Access to these essential elements of life has to be ensured for this and all future generations. This is why we have started a petition with the goal of granting access to natural health as an inalienable human right.

If you have not yet supported our petition, ‘Free Access to Natural Health Must Become a Human Right!’, now is the right time to make your voice heard! Sign the petition. Then tell all your contacts about it, to give them the chance to support it themselves. Spread awareness of the latest threats from Brussels as widely as you can, and share the message that our best chance of protecting our rights is to join the growing worldwide community of people advocating natural health.

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Nico Molitor

Nico Molitor

Born in the year the King of Rock & Roll died, Nico was raised as a protestant in mainly catholic Westphalia, in Germany. In 1992, at the age of fifteen, he took the stage in his hometown at a concert against right-wing violence and presented one of his poems. In subsequent years, he finished school and published two of his poems in anthologies. Seeing and experiencing the unbelievable opportunities of the World Wide Web in the 1990s, Nico started to develop web sites. Today, he is still creating web sites and is a public speaker on web-related topics in Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland. A devoted fan of 1. FC Cologne and the Kansas City Chiefs, Nico lives in rural Northrine-Westphalia, Germany, and is a firm believer in net neutrality.
Geboren in dem Jahr, in dem der King of Rock & Roll starb, wuchs Nico als Protestant im hautsächlich katholischen Westfalen auf. 1992 trat er als Fünfzehnjähriger bei einem Konzert gegen rechte Gewalt in seiner Heimatstadt auf und präsentierte dort eines seiner Gedichte. In den folgenden Jahren beendete er die Schule und veröffentlichte zwei Gedichte in Anthologien. In den 1990ern sah und erlebte er die unglaublichen Möglichkeiten des „World Wide Webs“ und entwickelte seine ersten Websites. Heute erstellt er weiterhin Websites und spricht als Redner für webbezogene Themen in Deutschland, den Niederlanden und Polen. Der Fan vom 1. FC Köln und den Kansas City Chiefs lebt im ländlichen Nordrhein-Westfalen (Deutschland) und unterstützt alternativlos die Netzneutralität.
Nico Molitor
Nico Molitor
Born in the year the King of Rock & Roll died, Nico was raised as a protestant in mainly catholic Westphalia, in Germany. In 1992, at the age of fifteen, he took the stage in his hometown at a concert against right-wing violence and presented one of his poems. In subsequent years, he finished school and published two of his poems in anthologies. Seeing and experiencing the unbelievable opportunities of the World Wide Web in the 1990s, Nico started to develop web sites. Today, he is still creating web sites and is a public speaker on web-related topics in Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland. A devoted fan of 1. FC Cologne and the Kansas City Chiefs, Nico lives in rural Northrine-Westphalia, Germany, and is a firm believer in net neutrality.
Geboren in dem Jahr, in dem der King of Rock & Roll starb, wuchs Nico als Protestant im hautsächlich katholischen Westfalen auf. 1992 trat er als Fünfzehnjähriger bei einem Konzert gegen rechte Gewalt in seiner Heimatstadt auf und präsentierte dort eines seiner Gedichte. In den folgenden Jahren beendete er die Schule und veröffentlichte zwei Gedichte in Anthologien. In den 1990ern sah und erlebte er die unglaublichen Möglichkeiten des „World Wide Webs“ und entwickelte seine ersten Websites. Heute erstellt er weiterhin Websites und spricht als Redner für webbezogene Themen in Deutschland, den Niederlanden und Polen. Der Fan vom 1. FC Köln und den Kansas City Chiefs lebt im ländlichen Nordrhein-Westfalen (Deutschland) und unterstützt alternativlos die Netzneutralität.