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Eli Lilly Antibody Drug Fails In Study Of Hospitalized Covid Patients

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“U.S. government officials are putting an early end to a study testing an Eli Lilly antibody drug for people hospitalized with Covid-19 because it doesn’t seem to be helping them.” [Source:]


A variety of patented substances with serious side effects are currently being tested on coronavirus patients around the world. The drug companies manufacturing these toxic preparations are hoping that the number of people who die from their side effects will be less than the number dying from the pandemic itself.

In contrast to the dangers and ineffectiveness of these drugs, a recent placebo-controlled clinical study has documented that high-dose vitamin C greatly reduces mortality in patients at life-threatening stages of coronavirus infection. Compared to those patients who only received the placebo, administration of vitamin C in this study resulted in cutting the death rate in about half. Patients receiving vitamin C treatment also had a significantly better oxygenation of their blood.

Other researchers have shown that daily doses of vitamin D3, magnesium, and vitamin B12 reduce disease severity in older coronavirus patients. They found that use of this micronutrient combination significantly reduced the proportion of patients suffering clinical deterioration who required oxygen and/or intensive care support.

To learn how research carried out at the Dr. Rath Research Institute has found that a specific micronutrient combination can block the interaction between the binding site of the coronavirus ‘spike’ and its specific cellular ‘entry door’ into human cells, see this press release on our website.

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