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World Health Organization Team Claims It Is ‘Extremely Unlikely’ That Coronavirus Leaked From A Lab

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“A World Health Organization (WHO) team investigating the origins of Covid-19 has all but dismissed the theory that the virus came from a laboratory.” [Source:]


Despite the claims of the mainstream media, a number of credible scientists now believe the coronavirus may have been created in a laboratory.

In an interview on the CNews channel in France in April 2020, Professor Luc Montagnier, the French scientist who shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), openly stated that the coronavirus originated in a laboratory. Asserting it had been designed by molecular biologists, Montagnier said the virus contains genetic elements of HIV and insisted its characteristics could not have arisen naturally.

Other scientists have made similar allegations. In January 2020, a research group from India published a paper suggesting that aspects of the virus bore an “uncanny similarity” to HIV. Taken together, the researchers said their findings suggested the virus had an “unconventional evolution” and that further investigation was warranted. The following month, a research paper published by scientists from South China University of Technology suggested the virus “probably” came from a laboratory in Wuhan, the city where it was first identified.

Subsequently, in May 2020 a team of Australian researchers produced evidence raising further important questions about its origins. Examining the ability of the virus to bind to a specific enzyme (ACE2) that enables it to infect cells, they found it binds far more effectively to the human version of this enzyme than to that of other animals. Describing their discovery as “particularly surprising”, they said a virus would typically bind better to a receptor in its original host species, such as a bat, and that it would have a lower initial binding ability in its new host, in this case humans. Commenting on the finding, lead researcher Professor Nikolai Petrovsky said that “in the absence of evidence of historic human infections with this virus…this either is a remarkable coincidence or a sign of human intervention.”

To read more about Professor Luc Montagnier’s assertions and watch a video of his CNews channel interview, see this article on our website.

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