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One-Third Of U.S. Adults Continue To Be Hesitant About COVID-19 Vaccines

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“More than one-third of nonelderly U.S. adults say they are unlikely to get a COVID-19 vaccine, according to a report released by the Urban Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.” [Source:]


This news follows recent reports that thousands of U.S. military personnel are refusing or delaying COVID-19 vaccination. Nor are they alone in doing so. Large numbers of people in Europe also seem unlikely to accept the vaccine. A recent survey found almost four in ten people in France and 23 percent in Germany say they definitely or probably won’t get vaccinated. In London around one-quarter of National Health Service (NHS) staff are refusing it.

This vaccine skepticism emphasizes the importance of governments acting on the latest groundbreaking studies from the Dr. Rath Research Institute showing that specific combinations of micronutrients are able to inhibit all key mechanisms of coronavirus infections simultaneously. These studies are further validated by recent clinical evidence demonstrating that high-dose vitamin C is able not just to prevent coronavirus infections, but also cut the death rate of severely infected, hospitalized coronavirus patients in half – an effect not documented for any of the current COVID-19 vaccines or pharmaceutical drugs.

To learn more about the Dr. Rath Research Institute’s coronavirus studies, see the press releases we published about them in July and August 2020. To bring these studies to the attention of the political leader in your country, visit the ‘Vote for Reason’ website.

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