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Pfizer Raises 2021 Sales Forecast For COVID-19 Vaccines To $26 Billion

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“Pfizer has sharply increased its projections for 2021 revenues and profits, citing much higher COVID-19 vaccine sales, as it targets the inoculations as a “durable” revenue stream.” [Source:]


To put this news story into plain language, through expanding the take-up of its COVID-19 vaccine and coercing people to have regular so-called ‘booster’ shots, Pfizer says it will now make even higher profits from the vaccinations than it originally anticipated.

At the international level, evidence increasingly suggests the pharma industry is pushing for annual COVID-19 vaccinations to become the norm. In a recent interview Johnson & Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky outlined a scenario similar to that of seasonal flu shots, saying that due to mutations of the virus the protective efficacy of current vaccines may only last for as little as a year before ‘booster’ or secondary jabs become necessary.

With other multinational vaccine manufacturers such as Moderna similarly now indicating they are pushing in this direction, it is clear that the pharma industry and its stakeholders now view COVID-19 as a long-term business opportunity. Rather than seeking to bring the pandemic to an end, they see more profit potential in prolonging the crisis.

To read how the pharma industry wants to vaccinate you against COVID-19 using skin patches, nasal sprays, and pills in future, see this article on our website.

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