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AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Discontinued By Australian Government

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“One of the first COVID-19 vaccines offered to Australians has been quietly discontinued, the country’s government has confirmed.”
[Source: news.com.au]

[Image source: Wikimedia]


The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine has been discontinued in Australia following the country’s government belatedly recognizing that it is linked to thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, a potentially fatal blood clotting disorder.

Other known side effects of this vaccine include blood clots in the brain, very low levels of blood platelets, capillary leak syndrome (a potentially fatal condition causing fluid leakage from small blood vessels resulting in rapid swelling of the arms and legs), neurological problems such as paralysis, and severe allergic reactions.

While these and other known side effects are all listed in the vaccine’s patient information leaflet, a U.S. government-funded study has expressed concern that the risks of COVID-19 vaccines are not being adequately disclosed. As a result, the study authors explain, patients are unlikely to fully understand the risk of receiving these vaccines, thus meaning that truly informed consent cannot be said to have been obtained.

To read our in-depth analysis of the risks of COVID-19 vaccines, see this article by Dr. Rath and Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki on our website.

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