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Long-Term Use of Certain Reflux Medications Associated With Higher Risk of Dementia

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Millions of Americans take medications known as proton pump inhibitors every day to treat heartburn and acid reflux. In recent years, these drugs have been linked to a greater risk of kidney failure, stroke, and early death. New research suggests there may also be a higher risk of dementia.


Studies show that proton pump inhibitors can cause a wide range of health problems. Mounting scientific evidence suggests that long-term use increases the risk of cancer, chronic kidney disease, and serious allergic reactions. When taken with aspirin, they carry an increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events.

Moreover, use of these drugs may also result in deficiencies of essential micronutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin C, iron, calcium, and magnesium. Unfortunately for patients this side effect is much under-publicized, as drawing attention to it would risk exposing one of the Pharma Cartel’s biggest secrets.

Unknown even to many doctors, a large body of scientific evidence exists to show that at least 150 types of drugs can rob the body of nutrients. In some cases, such as research showing that aspirin depletes vitamin C, this knowledge has existed for well over 80 years now.

Categories of drugs that have been shown to deplete nutrient levels in the body include antacids, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, antiretrovirals, beta-blockers, contraceptives, corticosteroids, diabetic drugs, diuretics, gout medications, laxatives, psychotherapeutics, statins, ulcer drugs, and others.

Given that the primary cause of today’s most common chronic diseases is a chronic deficiency of micronutrients, the continued non-communication of information about drug-induced nutrient depletion serves only to protect the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’.

To learn more about drug-induced nutrient depletion, see this article on our website.

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