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Breast Cancer Recurrence May Be Triggered By Chemotherapy Injury To Non-Cancer Cells

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A standard chemotherapy drug injures surrounding non-cancer cells, which can then awaken dormant cancer cells and promote cancer growth, according to a new study published in the open access journal PLoS Biology.

[Image source: Wikimedia]


It is no secret that chemotherapy encourages the spread of cancer. Research published in 2019 by an international team of scientists looked at two commonly used chemotherapy drugs, paclitaxel and doxorubicin, and examined how breast cancer cells respond to them. Confirming what other studies have reported for years now, the researchers found that use of this extremely toxic class of drugs can trigger the onset of new tumors in other parts of the body.

But the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs is hardly a modern phenomenon. The first ones were derived from mustard gas, a chemical warfare agent used in the First World War. Introduced as cancer treatments from the 1940s onwards, the search for medical applications of mustard compounds continued through to the 1970s. Illustrating how little progress has since been made in the conventional treatment of cancer, chemical derivatives of mustard gas are still being used on patients today. Revealingly, therefore, research carried out in the UK has found that, in some hospitals, within 30 days of starting treatment, chemotherapy kills up to 50 per cent of patients who receive it.

To learn how research carried out by scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute has shown that breast cancer can be prevented and controlled through the use of vitamin C and other specific micronutrients, see this article on our website.

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