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People With Life-Changing Injuries From AstraZeneca Covid Vaccine Say They’ve Been Censored Online

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People who were left with life-changing injuries after being given the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine say they have been censored while trying to speak out on social media about their symptoms.

[Image source: Adobe Stock]


Aided by both the mainstream media and social media alike, governments are going to extraordinary lengths to cover up the real-life experiences of people left injured or bereaved by COVID-19 vaccines. Having previously insisted the injections are safe and effective, and in some cases even mandating that people receive them, authorities are increasingly resorting to censorship in order to prevent awareness of the facts becoming widespread.

In this latest example, people who have suffered life-changing injuries from the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine say online censorship is being used to prevent them telling their stories. Platforms such as Facebook have reportedly been issuing warnings and forcing people to self-censor. YouTube has also faced criticism for allegedly removing videos related to vaccine injuries.

To read how, as early as October 2020, a U.S. government-funded study had already concluded that the risks of COVID-19 vaccines were not being adequately disclosed, see this article on our website.

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