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UK Health Secretary Urged to Release Data That ‘May Link Covid Vaccine to Excess Deaths’

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UK MPs have accused the country’s Health Secretary of withholding data that could link the Covid vaccine to excess deaths.
[Source: telegraph.co.uk]

[Image source: Adobe Stock]


An unexplained rise in excess mortality rates has occurred on a global scale since 2020. Defined as the difference between the actual number of deaths in a particular period and the estimated number of deaths expected in that period, the phenomenon essentially coincides with the COVID-19 pandemic.

The UK MPs cited in this news story have criticized their government’s claim that there is supposedly no evidence linking Covid vaccines to excess deaths, saying this needs to be supported by proof. Demanding the release of data reportedly shared with pharmaceutical companies which maps the dates of individuals’ Covid vaccine doses to the dates of their deaths, they express concern over the lack of transparency.

There have also been calls for a public inquiry into excess deaths and vaccine injuries in the UK, with the country’s Office for National Statistics facing criticism for overestimating the number of excess deaths during 2020 prior to the rollout of the vaccination program.

To read how members of the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch Parliament, want a large-scale study to be carried out into the causes of excess mortality in the Netherlands, a country where more people have now died than expected for four years in a row, see this news story on our website.

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