March 2, 2017

Bisphosphonate Drugs For Osteoporosis WEAKEN Bones!

In more bad news for the pharma industry, the bisphosphonate class of drugs that are commonly used for the treatment of osteoporosis have been found to make [...]
January 19, 2017

Promoting Old Drugs For Dangerous New Uses: Study Claims Calcium Channel Blockers Stop Spread Of Cancer

A recent study claims that a class of prescription drugs widely used for the management of high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and other heart conditions can […]
December 15, 2016

Immunotherapy Drugs For Cancer: Just As Dangerous As Chemotherapy, And Even MORE Profitable For The Pharma Cartel

With public awareness growing rapidly regarding the inability of chemotherapy to cure cancer, the Pharma Cartel is spending vast sums of money hyping so-called immunotherapy drugs […]
November 24, 2016

Fake News And Pharma: Hiding The Truth About Health With Lies About Drugs

The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with […]
November 3, 2016

Bad News For The Pharma Cartel: Statin Profits Collapsing, The Cholesterol Bubble Has Burst

In a press release on November 1st, Pfizer, one of the world’s biggest pharma companies, announced it was scrapping its high-profile experimental cholesterol drug bococizumab. Citing studies showing […]
October 27, 2016

Alchemy of Power: The Pharma Industry
Its History, Its Drugs, And How It Manipulates The World

During the Middle Ages, knowledge about the healing properties of plants mainly came from druids and witches. These people knew about nature and healing and could […]
September 1, 2016

Study Shows Chemotherapy Killing Many Cancer Patients Within 30 Days Of Starting Treatment

In yet another damning indictment of the dangers and ineffectiveness of cancer drugs, new research carried out in the UK has found that, in some hospitals, […]
July 15, 2016

Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion: One Of The Pharma Cartel’s Biggest Secrets

A new study has added to the mounting evidence that long-term use of antiepileptic drugs is a significant risk factor for vitamin D deficiency. Published in […]