September 24, 2015

Don’t be distracted by the $750 pharma pill scandal: Drugs won’t solve the global healthcare crisis – at ANY price!

The reputation and credibility of the pharma industry sank to a new low this week with news that the price of Daraprim (Pyrimethamine), an anti-parasitic drug […]
August 21, 2015

Drug industry earning $1 TRILLION a year and still not curing chronic diseases: Time to make natural preventive healthcare approaches a human right!

Healthcare industry analysts IMS Health recently reported that global spending on pharmaceutical drugs exceeded an astonishing $1 trillion in 2014. Equating to around 1.3% of global […]
July 30, 2015

A this-is-not-rocket-science finding: Terminal cancer patients who don’t have chemotherapy have better quality of life than those who do

Providing further evidence of the blind alley that orthodox approaches to cancer treatment are now lost in, a new study published in the Journal of the […]
July 16, 2015

Statins lower the body’s levels of CoQ10: Merck knows about it, why don’t many cardiologists?

A recent survey conducted among cardiologists in the United States found that the majority of them now recommend the important cellular nutrient Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ10) for […]
June 11, 2015

Painkillers and sedatives associated with increased risk of committing homicide

With 70 million Americans known to be taking mind-altering pharmaceuticals and the number of mass shootings in the United States having risen sharply in recent years, […]
May 14, 2015

New study proves heart failure drug digoxin INCREASES risk of death: The time to consider natural alternatives is NOW!

In further damaging news for the pharma industry, a new systematic review and meta-analysis covering over 300,000 patients has proved that digoxin, a drug widely used […]
March 20, 2015

Google’s approach to cancer: Copying the pharma business model

Over the past few days, newspaper headlines have excitedly been proclaiming that Google is working on a cure for cancer. In a patent filed with the […]
March 6, 2015

Study Finds Doctors Underestimate Dangers Of Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)

These days, it seems fewer people than ever are under the illusion that pharmaceutical drugs are safe. With barely a day going by now without news […]