October 30, 2014

Victory over the Pharma Cartel in Europe: Brussels EU Commission forced into embarrassing u-turn

We are pleased to report it has now been officially confirmed that pharmaceutical drugs will remain under the department of Health and Consumers in the next […]
January 21, 2008

Exposing the cholesterol fraud

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide (100 million in the USA) again have their health and lives put at risk in order to increase profits for the drug companies!
May 10, 2007

The History of the Pharma Cartel

1911, May 15 The Supreme Court of the U.S. finds John Rockefeller and his Trust guilty of corruption, illegal business practices and racketeering. As a result […]
March 23, 2007

South African Lawsuit Exposes Pharmaceutical Colonialism

South Africa is the one of the countries hardest hit by the AIDS epidemic – and a multibillion dollar market for pharmaceutical drugs. Now, two organizations […]
September 21, 2006

What You Need to Know About the Fraudulent Nature of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business With Disease

The Laws of the Pharmaceutical Business with Disease Some people may say that the pharmaceutical industry cannot be that bad. Unfortunately, it is. Fortunately, however, it […]
July 4, 2005

The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry

A Report by the Health Committee of the UK House of Commons Summary & Analysis by Paul Anthony Taylor July 2005 – The struggle against the […]
June 18, 2003

IG Farben and the History of the “Business With Disease”

The most powerful German economic corporate emporium in the first half of this century was the Interessengemeinschaft Farben or IG Farben, for short. Interessengemeinschaft stands for […]
June 14, 2003

The Investment ‘Business With Disease’

This presentation was given by Chris Fairhurst to The Hague Tribunal, 14th June 2003 Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. My witness statement this afternoon concerns the […]