May 6, 2022

Israeli Study Shows COVID-19 Vaccines Are Associated With An Increase In Emergency Cardiovascular Events

A revealing new study from Israel examines the association between COVID-19 vaccinations, infection rates, and emergency medical service callouts for cardiovascular events in people aged 16-39. […]
April 29, 2022

New Survey Finds Pharma CEOs, Government Leaders & Journalists Least Trusted On Health

If we were to believe the mainstream media’s spin on the past two years of COVID-19, then the pharma industry saved the world, our governments told […]
April 15, 2022

British Medical Journal Admits Drug Industry Has Corrupted Medicine

It is no secret that medical journals are greatly reliant on the income from adverts that are placed in them by pharmaceutical companies. Their dependence on […]
March 4, 2022

Growing Concern Over The Health Risks Of COVID-19 Vaccines

As debate continues to rage over the health risks of COVID-19 vaccines, new research by scientists in Sweden examines the effect of spike protein viral mRNA […]
February 4, 2022

Fighting the COVID-19 pandemic by eliminating VAT on fruit and vegetables: Dutch government launches nationwide program to stimulate vitamin C consumption

Translations: Spanish, French, Italian, Polish The campaign launched in late 2021 by the Dutch government for a ‘fiscale vitamin-C-stimulans’ (a fiscal stimulus for vitamin C) is […]
January 17, 2022

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Can Cause Severe Liver Damage

A recent Letter to the Editor published on the Journal of Hepatology website adds to the growing evidence that the mRNA vaccines used against COVID-19 can […]
December 10, 2021

The Omicron Variant: Deliberately Raising The Global State Of Panic

The latest statistics from South Africa reveal that intensive care admissions for the Omicron Covid variant are running at just a third of what they were at the same point in the country’s Delta wave. The figures come following the chair of the South African Medical Association (SAMA) reporting that Omicron’s symptoms are mostly “very, very mild” and could treated at home. With even US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci now admitting the new variant is “almost certainly” not more severe than Delta, the question that urgently needs to be asked is a very simple one: why is global tension being raised to a state of panic?
November 26, 2021

Dr. Rath Issues Emergency Call For Suspension Of RNA- And DNA-based COVID Vaccines, Citing Potentially Devastating Side Effects

In an emergency letter to the governments of the European Union and the United States, Dr. Matthias Rath is calling for the immediate suspension of mandatory […]