November 8, 2021

Whistleblower Reveals Use Of Falsified Data In Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Trial

A researcher involved in the clinical trial that was carried out to obtain ‘emergency use authorization’ for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has revealed that some of the study data claimed to have been obtained from the tests were falsified. In an alarming investigation that has been largely ignored by most of the pharma-compliant mainstream media, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) reports that staff conducting quality control checks for the trial were ‘overwhelmed’ by the volume of problems they were finding. With the full data used to license Pfizer’s vaccine still not having been publicly released, the revelations seriously undermine the claim that the mRNA technology utilized in the injection has been scientifically ‘proven’ to be safe.
November 5, 2021

Global Coronavirus Policy: For How Long Will We Be Held Hostage To Pharma?

More evidence is emerging that global coronavirus policy isn’t based on protecting people’s health. The Dutch government recently fired its State Secretary for Economic Affairs after […]
October 29, 2021

World Health Organization Admits Vaccines Alone Cannot End The Pandemic

Belatedly recognizing what the Dr. Rath Health Foundation has long been saying, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently admitted that vaccines alone will not be enough to end the COVID-19 pandemic. Speaking to Times Radio in the UK, WHO spokesperson Dr. Margaret Harris openly acknowledged that “we really have to do other measures” and that “the vaccine isn’t going to get us out of this.” Realistically however, the other measures Harris proposes – avoiding crowds and wearing masks – are not practical long-term solutions. With the WHO clearly bereft of new ideas and still answering primarily to its pharmaceutical industry stakeholders, the need for the implementation of science-based alternatives to COVID-19 vaccines has never been more urgent.
October 15, 2021

The Growing Evidence Of The Dangers Of Statins

A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine examines the association between the initiation of cholesterol-lowering statin drug treatment and the progression of diabetes. Examining the […]
September 24, 2021

Vaccinating animals against COVID-19: how long will the people of the world allow themselves to be fooled?

The latest ‘bubble’ in the global media campaign to mandate vaccination of the general public is the story that now zoos around the world are beginning to vaccinate their most precious animals. This is a good example of how scientific facts are being turned upside down and world opinion is being manipulated on behalf of the multi-billion pharmaceutical drug industry.
August 27, 2021

India Approves World’s First DNA Vaccine For COVID-19 Without Releasing Any Official Trial Data

In a move that heaps still further controversy on the field of Covid-19 vaccines, India has approved the world’s first DNA-based injection against the coronavirus. Manufactured […]
July 2, 2021

EXPOSED: The Drug Industry’s ‘Hidden Web Of Policy Influence’ In The British Parliament

New research published in the PLOS One journal reveals that the drug industry has a “hidden web of policy influence” in the British parliament.
June 18, 2021

Almost A Third Of British People Dying With COVID-19 ‘Delta’ Variant Are Fully Vaccinated

A new report has revealed that almost a third of British people who recently died with the so-called Delta (Indian) variant of COVID-19 had already received […]