March 14, 2019

Dutch Bank ASN Stops Investing In Some Of The World’s Largest Drug Companies

In another damaging blow to the credibility of the pharma industry, Dutch bank ASN has stopped investing in some of the world’s largest drug companies. In […]
February 28, 2019

The Ongoing Crimes Of The Business With Disease: Pharma’s Reputation In Ruins

Until the latter years of the twentieth century, only rarely did the mainstream media give prominent coverage to the criminal nature of the pharma industry. While […]
January 10, 2019

New Study Confirms Chemotherapy Encourages Spread Of Cancer

New research carried out by an international team of scientists has further confirmed that chemotherapy encourages the spread of cancer. Published in the Nature Cell Biology […]
November 8, 2018

Drug Industry Pollution Affecting Food Chains, Water Supplies, And The Environment

A new study has found almost 70 different pharmaceutical drugs in insects and spiders in rivers around Melbourne, Australia. Commenting on the finding, the researchers express […]
September 13, 2018

Beginning Of The End For The Pharma Cartel: An Industry On The Brink Of Terminal Decline

Written in November 2017 and May 2018, blog posts by Dr. Kelvin Stott, Director of Portfolio Management at the Novartis drug company in Basel, Switzerland, caused […]
September 6, 2018

New Study Links Cholesterol-Lowering Statin Drugs To Potentially Fatal Muscle Disease

A new study from Australia has linked use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs with a significantly increased risk of idiopathic inflammatory myositis, a serious muscle disease that […]
August 9, 2018

Lessons From Fatal Viagra Pregnancy Study: Safe Natural Alternatives Should Take Priority In Clinical Trials

Many people were understandably shocked by the recent news about 11 babies who died following a clinical trial in the Netherlands in which Viagra was given […]
May 17, 2018

Road Map to Health

The book ‘Road Map to Health’ was first published by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation in 2007. Describing how the termination of the pharmaceutical investment business […]