News & Comment

February 29, 2024

Russia on Verge of Creating Cancer Vaccines, Putin Claims

President Vladimir Putin recently announced that Russian scientists were on the cusp of developing a vaccine for cancer, adding that he hopes the new therapy could be applied to individual treatments in the future.
February 29, 2024

New Research Suggests Boosting Potassium is Key For Blood Pressure Control

While reducing salt intake has been the focus of dietary advice to control high blood pressure, a new study suggests that upping your potassium intake can be at least as important.
February 29, 2024

Traffic-Related Air Pollution Linked to Signs of Alzheimer’s in Brain

The brains of people with higher exposure to traffic-related air pollution are more likely to have high amounts of the amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease, according to a new study.
February 29, 2024

Increased Intake of Vitamin B1 Linked to Better Cognition in Over 60s

A new study by researchers in China has linked an increased intake of vitamin B1 to better cognitive function in people aged over 60.
February 29, 2024

France Enacts Controversial Law Against mRNA Vaccine Criticism

France has passed legislation that imposes severe penalties on those who publicly dissent against the official medical narrative surrounding mRNA vaccines, including potential imprisonment of up to three years and fines reaching $48,400.
February 23, 2024

‘They’re Drowning Us in Regulations’: How Europe’s Furious Farmers Took on Brussels

Mass demonstrations by farmers across the EU have become a politically charged issue.
February 23, 2024

Dutch Parliamentarians Want Large-Scale Study into Ongoing Excess Mortality Rates

Many members of the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch Parliament, want a large-scale cohesive study to be carried out into the causes of excess mortality in the Netherlands since 2020. More people have died than expected for four years in a row.
February 23, 2024

Test Screening For 11 Blood Biomarkers Could Predict Dementia 15 Years Sooner

A new study from scientists at The University of Warwick in the United Kingdom and Fudan University in China has identified 11 proteins that can be used as biomarkers to predict dementia 15 years before diagnosis.
February 23, 2024

Huge Delays In Dealing With Complaints Against UK Drug Companies Revealed

Processing times for complaints against drug companies suspected of having breached their industry code of practice have more than tripled in a nearly two-decade period, an investigation by The BMJ has found.
February 23, 2024

Study Links Higher Omega-3 Levels to Decreased Stroke Risk

A new study published in the journal Stroke shows that people with the highest omega-3 levels have a lower risk of stroke.
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