News & Comment

November 30, 2023

Clinical Trial Data Suggests Prenatal Vitamin D Reduces a Child’s Risk of Asthma

A review of 15 years' worth of data from the Vitamin D Antenatal Asthma Reduction Trial found that vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy reduced rates of asthma and wheezing in children.
November 30, 2023

Moderna is Spying on You

New documents reveal Moderna’s attempts to control the vaccine debate.
November 30, 2023

New Study Finds Current Dosing Recommendations May Not Help Patients Achieve Optimal Vitamin D Levels

Two new studies have found that current dosing recommendations are not helping patients achieve optimal vitamin D levels.
November 30, 2023

Long-Term Painkiller Use in Those Under 25 May Contribute to Mental Illness and Substance Misuse

The long-term use of painkillers from a young age may be linked to an increased risk of poor mental health later in life.
November 30, 2023

Slovakia Will Not Be Entering Into Any International Pandemic Agreements With WHO, Prime Minister Says

During a Slovenská Sociálna Demokracia (SMER) party conference, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico declared that his government will not sign the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty.
November 24, 2023

New Study Suggests Gargling With Salt Water May Be Associated With Lower COVID-19 Hospitalization

A new study presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology annual scientific meeting in Anaheim, California, determined that both a low- and high-dose saline regimen appeared to be associated with lower hospitalization in SARS-CoV-2 infections.
November 24, 2023

Multinational Study Confirms Association Between CT Scans in Young People and Increased Risk of Cancer

A multinational study of almost one million individuals confirms a strong and clear association between exposure to radiation from CT scans in young people and an increased risk of blood cancers.
November 24, 2023

COVID-19 Lockdowns Were No More Effective Than Sweden’s Softer Approach, Major Study Suggests

COVID-19 lockdowns were no more effective at controlling the pandemic than letting people adapt their own behavior to the threat, a major Oxford University-backed study suggests.
November 24, 2023

Consuming Flavonoids Helps Fight Symptoms of Endometriosis

Researchers at Texas A&M University's School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences have found a correlation between a compound found in fruits and vegetables and a reduction in the symptoms of endometriosis.
November 24, 2023

Privacy Fears as European Union Moves Forward With Digital ID

Critics warn the plans to give every European Union citizen a ‘European digital ID’ will create a surveillance state.
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