News & Comment

October 5, 2023

Cruciferous Vegetables May Help Ease Lung Infections

Molecules in cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli may help to maintain a healthy barrier in the lungs and ease infection, according to recent research.
October 5, 2023

Turmeric Could Be Effective For Indigestion

Curcumin, a natural compound found in turmeric, may be as effective as omeprazole, a drug used to reduce excess stomach acid and treat indigestion, according to the first study of its kind.
October 5, 2023

Antioxidant Vitamins Found To Reduce Endometriosis-Related Pain

Antioxidant vitamins may reduce endometriosis-related pain by regulating inflammatory responses, reports a new review from Chinese researchers.
October 5, 2023

Chinese Lab Suspected of COVID-19 Leak Stripped of United States Funding for Violating Biosafety Rules

The Chinese laboratory suspected of leaking the coronavirus has been stripped of United States government funding for 10 years after conducting dangerous experiments that increased the potency of coronaviruses before the pandemic.
October 5, 2023

Use of Antiviral Drug May be Fueling Evolution of COVID-19

Molnupiravir, an antiviral drug used to treat patients with COVID-19, may be causing mutations in the virus and fueling the evolution of new variants, scientists say.
September 28, 2023

United Nations Delegates Approve Political Declaration On Pandemic Readiness

Following the first-ever head-of-state summit on pandemic preparedness at the United Nations General Assembly, leaders approved a political declaration that spells out steps to better prepare the world for the next pandemic.
September 28, 2023

Banned Pesticides Found At ‘Worrying Levels’ In English Rivers

Harmful pesticides were found in more than one in ten English rivers tested by the Environment Agency between 2020 and 2022, according to new research published by wildlife charities.
September 28, 2023

New Research Adds Evidence To The Benefits Of Ginger Supplements For Treating Autoimmune Diseases

New research has revealed a potentially important role ginger supplements can play in controlling inflammation for people living with autoimmune diseases.
September 28, 2023

High Blood Pressure Affects 1.3 Billion Adults Worldwide

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released its first-ever report on the devastating global impact of high blood pressure, along with recommendations on the ways to win the race against this silent killer. The report shows approximately 4 out of every 5 people are not adequately treated.
September 28, 2023

California Repeals “Atrocious” Law Intended To Curb COVID Disinformation

The California legislature has repealed a law that was intended to curb COVID disinformation.
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