News & Comment

May 17, 2024

Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?

All vaccines have at least occasional side effects. But people who say they were injured by Covid vaccines believe their cases have been ignored.
May 17, 2024

Zinc May Reduce Cold Symptoms By Two Days

Zinc might reduce the duration of common cold symptoms by about two days, a new evidence review says.
May 17, 2024

California City Declares Public Health Emergency After Tuberculosis Sickens 14

The City Council of Long Beach, California has authorized a public health emergency in response to a local outbreak of tuberculosis.
May 17, 2024

Study Suggests Daily Consumption of Olive Oil Reduces Chances of Developing Dementia

A team of nutritionists and medical researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has found evidence that daily consumption of olive oil may reduce the chances of developing dementia.
May 17, 2024

Selenium Supplements May Offer Migraine Support

Daily supplementation with selenium may reduce the frequency and severity of headaches in people suffering from migraines, says a new study from Iran.
May 10, 2024

Pharmaceutical Giants Knowingly Sold HIV-Infected Treatment to UK National Health Service

Pharmaceutical companies knowingly sold a treatment infected with HIV to the UK’s National Health Service, The Telegraph has revealed.
May 10, 2024

‘High Likelihood’ COVID-19 Leaked From Wuhan Lab, United States Told Allies at Height of Pandemic

In the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States told leaders of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom that there was a "high likelihood" that the pandemic-causing virus had leaked from a Chinese lab.
May 10, 2024

American on WHO Team Probing COVID-19 Origins Denies His ‘Dangerous Research’ Caused Pandemic

A scientist who was the lone American citizen on a World Health Organization coronavirus fact-finding mission in China three years ago has refuted allegations that his “dangerous research” collaborating with a lab in Wuhan caused the pandemic.
May 10, 2024

Public Health Heavily Influenced by Corporations Selling Forever Chemicals, Fossil Fuels & Ultra-Processed Food

Factors outside our control have a huge influence on our health – especially products which can sicken or kill us, made by multinational corporations and sold routinely.
May 10, 2024

Vitamin D May Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s by 17 Percent

While vitamin D is most known for its role in bone health, there are vitamin D receptors throughout the body – including the brain. And there’s no shortage of research showing that vitamin D plays a role in memory and even mood.
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