December 22, 2022

Wall Street Journal Newspaper Publishes Details Of Dr. Rath Research Institute’s Game-Changing Patent On Nutrient Combination For Inhibiting Coronavirus

With word spreading that the United States Patent Office has awarded the Dr. Rath Research Institute five patents on micronutrient combinations for fighting human diseases, the […]
December 16, 2022

U.S. Patent Office Awards Dr. Rath Research Institute With World’s First Patents For Natural Health Technologies To Fight Widespread Human Diseases

December 8, 2022

New Study Confirms What We Knew All Along: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Are Associated With More Serious Harms Than Originally Claimed

November 25, 2022

The mRNA Coronavirus Vaccines: Promoted Using Misleading Risk Reduction Statistics?

According to the pharma industry, governments, and the mainstream media, the mRNA vaccines used against COVID-19 are proven to be safe and effective. Over the past […]
November 23, 2022

Serious Threats to Global Health

October 20, 2022

Don’t Believe The Mainstream Media: Studies Show Antioxidants Improve COVID-19 Clinical Outcomes

A new systematic review of observational and interventional studies examines the use of antioxidants in patients with COVID-19. Published in the Food Science & Nutrition journal, the results demonstrate highly beneficial roles for this class of micronutrients in reducing inflammation, ventilation requirement, hospitalization, intensive care unit admission, mortality, and other aspects of coronavirus care. Confirming that intravenous supplementation with vitamin C significantly decreases mortality from COVID-19 in severe cases, and that studies show vitamin D, selenium, and zinc similarly play positive roles in fighting the disease, the researchers conclude that antioxidants can improve clinical outcomes.
October 14, 2022

Scientist Who Tried To Debunk COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory Gets More Government Funding For Risky Coronavirus Research

A new meta-analysis published in the Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience journal examines the relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and plasma levels of vitamin C. Authored by researchers from the United States and Pakistan, the paper finds that deficiency of vitamin C is involved in the progression of the disease. Crucially, therefore, the researchers conclude that vitamin C supplementation is a plausible strategy for its prevention and treatment.
September 2, 2022

Side-effects of COVID-19 vaccines – We told you so