August 25, 2022

How drugs interfere with the efficacy of essential micronutrients (part 2)

In the first part of this article, we mentioned various mechanisms through which drugs can induce or aggravate a deficit of micronutrients. In the following, we want to shed more light on why an optimal supply of those vital cellular nutrients is so significant for maintaining or restoring health. [...]
August 18, 2022

How drugs interfere with the efficacy of essential micronutrients (part 1)

Unlike drugs, natural micronutrients are imperative for the optimal functioning of our cells. We could not survive without them. In contrast, drugs are usually synthetic substances that can cause many side effects and interactions in the body. On top of that, they are usually only able to mask or alleviate symptoms. So while many micronutrients are absolutely vital, quite a few drugs even have life-damaging properties. Nevertheless, it is precisely the fact that drugs always carry the risk of causing further diseases that makes that inhumane business model all the more attractive for the pharmaceutical investment industry. [...]
July 15, 2022

Over 40 Percent Of World’s Rivers Contain Harmful Levels Of Pharmaceutical Drug Pollution

A disturbing new analysis has revealed that over 40 percent of the world’s rivers may now contain harmful levels of pollution from pharmaceutical drugs. Published in […]
April 15, 2022

British Medical Journal Admits Drug Industry Has Corrupted Medicine

It is no secret that medical journals are greatly reliant on the income from adverts that are placed in them by pharmaceutical companies. Their dependence on […]
October 15, 2021

The Growing Evidence Of The Dangers Of Statins

A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine examines the association between the initiation of cholesterol-lowering statin drug treatment and the progression of diabetes. Examining the […]
July 2, 2021

EXPOSED: The Drug Industry’s ‘Hidden Web Of Policy Influence’ In The British Parliament

New research published in the PLOS One journal reveals that the drug industry has a “hidden web of policy influence” in the British parliament.
December 1, 2020

Little-Known Facts About Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy drugs are considered standard cancer treatment. Yet, despite their being used for more than seven decades, cancer remains the second leading cause of death. It […]
May 6, 2020

What You Should Know About The Drugs That Allegedly Fight The Pandemic

Last week, a pharmaceutical drug, Remdesivir, was presented to the world, allegedly to help patients infected during the pandemic. Does this drug bring justified hope – or is it just hype?