March 6, 2020

Chinese Medical Team Report Successful Treatment Of Coronavirus Patients With High-Dose Vitamin C

A medical team from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University in China has reported the successful treatment of coronavirus patients with vitamin C. In […]
January 23, 2020

Study Finds Vitamin D3 Supplementation Improves Blood Pressure And Insulin Sensitivity In Children

A new study has found that supplementation with vitamin D3 improves blood pressure and insulin sensitivity in children. The type of vitamin D the human body […]
December 19, 2019

Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Poor Outcome In Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Patients

A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology has found that vitamin D deficiency is linked to poor outcomes in patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, […]
December 5, 2019

Despite Plentiful Sun, Study Finds High Rates Of Vitamin D Deficiency In Africa

Providing further evidence that vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide problem, a new study has found high rates of it among populations in Africa. The researchers […]
November 21, 2019

New Meta-Analysis Finds Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Increased Risk Of Irregular Heartbeat

A new meta-analysis has found that vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of atrial fibrillation. The most common form of irregular heartbeat and […]
October 24, 2019

Understanding The Difference Between Clinical And Sub-Clinical Micronutrient Deficiencies

A variety of different micronutrients are required in order to maintain health and prevent disease. As the body is mostly unable to manufacture these substances itself, […]
August 21, 2019

Protection Of The Skin From Sun Damage
(Part 2)

In the last issue of our Health Science News Page we discussed aspects of skin cancer and the damage caused by excessive sun exposure. The most common risk factor of non-melanoma skin cancer is excessive sunlight exposure. However, it is important to note that the non-melanoma skin cancers—basal and squamous cell carcinomas—are not as lethal as melanoma which can also occur on areas of the skin not exposed to the sun. Sun exposure can cause free radical damage to skin cells, leading to DNA damage and skin aging, and may eventually cause skin cancer; however, that is not the only risk factor.
August 21, 2019

Protection Of The Skin From Sun Damage
(Part 1)

With the arrival of summer people become acutely aware of sun exposure, skin cancers and the use of sunscreen. Worldwide, one in three diagnosed cancers is classified under skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma are the most common forms of skin cancer, and malignant melanoma is the most fatal.