September 16, 2022

Spinach, nuts, and carrots – Why micronutrients are so important for healthy vision

A growing number of young people are affected by nearsightedness or farsightedness – for two obvious reasons: First, the increased use of smartphones, TVs and PCs […]
September 5, 2022

The importance of resveratrol and a healthy diet for the gut

August 25, 2022

How drugs interfere with the efficacy of essential micronutrients (part 2)

In the first part of this article, we mentioned various mechanisms through which drugs can induce or aggravate a deficit of micronutrients. In the following, we want to shed more light on why an optimal supply of those vital cellular nutrients is so significant for maintaining or restoring health. [...]
August 18, 2022

How drugs interfere with the efficacy of essential micronutrients (part 1)

Unlike drugs, natural micronutrients are imperative for the optimal functioning of our cells. We could not survive without them. In contrast, drugs are usually synthetic substances that can cause many side effects and interactions in the body. On top of that, they are usually only able to mask or alleviate symptoms. So while many micronutrients are absolutely vital, quite a few drugs even have life-damaging properties. Nevertheless, it is precisely the fact that drugs always carry the risk of causing further diseases that makes that inhumane business model all the more attractive for the pharmaceutical investment industry. [...]
July 1, 2022

Let’s Celebrate ‘World Vitamin Day’

While you might not have realized it, the first vitamins were discovered more than a century ago. Their discovery led to numerous Nobel prizes being awarded […]
June 17, 2022

Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Eyesight Threatening Retinopathy In Diabetes

A new review examines the association between vitamin D deficiency and diabetic retinopathy. A common complication of diabetes caused by high blood sugar levels damaging the […]
May 24, 2022

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: New Studies Suggest Vitamin D Deficiency May Be Key Factor

A common problem affecting the large intestine, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is estimated to affect around 11 percent of the population globally. Trivialized by many doctors […]
May 11, 2022

Dr. Rath’s Basic Cellular Health Recommendations

Dr. Rath’s Basic Cellular Health recommendations comprise a selection of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements. These essential nutrients have been chosen based on scientific […]