August 11, 2023

Medical Journals Warn Of ‘Growing’ Nuclear Weapon Threat

More than 100 medical journals across the world have issued a rare joint call for urgent action to eliminate nuclear weapons, warning that the threat of nuclear catastrophe was "great and growing".
July 5, 2023

The EU’s Digital Services Act Is The Next Big Threat To Free Speech

Authorities across the world continue to use the Ukrainian crisis as the backdrop against which to pass legislation regulating the digital industry.
June 15, 2023

EU & WHO Propose To Create Global Digital Health Certificate Based On COVID Passports

The European Union (EU) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have joined forces in a new health partnership to share the experience of using EU digital COVID certificates around the world and create a global system of digital health certificates to prepare for future pandemics.
June 1, 2023

Pfizer, The EU, And Disappearing Ink

It's as if Pfizer's massive COVID-19 vaccine deal with the European Commission were written with disappearing ink: the more time passes, the more details seem to vanish.
May 25, 2023

At Bilderberg’s Bigwig Bash, Two Things Are Guaranteed: Kissinger And Secrecy

The Portuguese sun was doing its cheery best to make this year’s Bilderberg meeting seem warm and welcoming, but nothing could take the deathly chill out of the official agenda of the secretive shindig for some of the world’s most powerful people.
May 11, 2023

Brussels Unveils Plan To Boost EU Defense Industry

European Commission industry chief Thierry Breton has urged European defense companies to get into “war economy mode” as he unveiled a new plan to boost weapons manufacturing across the EU.
April 27, 2023

Criminal Complaint Adds to Ursula von der Leyen’s Pfizer Text Woes

While the prospects for the case are as-yet unclear, the lodging of a criminal complaint against Commission President Ursula von der Leyen by 35-year-old Belgian lobbyist Frédéric Baldan over undisclosed text messages adds to the clamor of voices calling for greater transparency over how the EU's COVID-19 vaccine contracts were negotiated.
March 16, 2023

UK Government Discussed Using ‘Fear’ And ‘Guilt’ To Make Public Follow COVID-19 Rules

The British government discussed using “fear” and “guilt” to coerce the public into following COVID-19 lockdown rules, leaked WhatsApp messages obtained by the Sunday Telegraph show.